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Pugin After Dark Presents

As part of Alton Community Events Advent Calendar Extravaganza, we will be holding an event at St Peter's Church on 7th December. Come along to hear a talk on Pugin's work at Alton Towers, plus live music and your chance to take part in our collaborative tile art project.

The event is free and refreshments will be available.

Pugin Tile Art Project

Pugin After Dark's first collaborative art project is here
and we want you to be part of it!

Visit the project page using the link below for details, including how to take part. 


"Though we may not be seen in the dark, it is in the night where we will see who we really are"

I have always had a love of the night, enjoying how it distorts and changes the perceptions of our daylight experiences.

When darkness descends, shadows become elongated, facades darken, and glass glitters in the moonlight. There is a certain magic that only comes with nightfall. 

It is these altered perceptions that are at the heart of the Pugin After Dark project. Not only is it about revealing a different side to his magnificent buildings, but it’s also about discovering and celebrating his work in new and alternative ways.

"Pugin After Dark is a project in which anyone can get involved, whether you are a writer, artist, photographer, musician, historian or  even just someone that simply appreciates the beauty of his work"

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Video - Graphic.png
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Alton Trail - Graphic.png
Blog - Graphic.png
Colouring book - Graphic.png

The project aims to celebrate the life and work of AWN Pugin in as many imaginative and inspiring ways as possible and we would love you to be a part of it. With some exciting plans already in the pipeline, there is plenty for you to get involved with, so please contact us for further details or to join the project.

Louie Young

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