In October we were lucky enough to be invited to take part in this year's Cheadle Art's Festival and spent a lovely afternoon getting attendees to colour in Pugin tiles as they listened to the wonderful music live music put on for this event.
The theme of this year's festival was Light and Dark, which not only tied in with our project nicely but also perfectly with the music of Analogue Ethereal and the sea shanties of the Silver Long Johns.
What made it even more special was it was the first time we have taken the project into an actual Pugin space, which undoubtedly provided participants ample of inspiration for their own creations.
If you would like to contribute a tile, the designs can be downloaded here. Send a scan or photograph of your completed tiles along with your name and location to louie@louieyoung.com and don’t forget to check back and see your art on the website!
Thanks go to Cheadle Art's Festival for inviting us to join this event, Rick Hermolle for organising it and making happen and to Lee Munro for so beautifully capturing it all.